
Join us for a valuable hour of discussion about all things networking, as Fiona Duncan-Steer shares her top 7 tips on maximising your networking experiences online and staying connected in a digital world.

There will be an opportunity to network within break-out rooms following the presentation.

As WREN Property network is a non-profit organisation, ran by a committee of Nottingham based volunteers from the property industry, we have made the decision to make our online events free of charge, however would ask that you consider making a minimum £5 donation towards our running costs.

MAKE A DONATION: https://www.gofundme.com/f/wren-property-network?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1 

The event Zoom link will be sent to you nearer to the event, if you do not receive it or have any queries please contact us: info@wrennetwork.co.uk 

Thank you & we look forward to seeing you online 

Guest Speaker

Fiona Duncan-Steer

Fiona Duncan-Steer

Conversation starter, introducer, facilitator, trainer, qualified
coach, writer, speaker, storyteller, creative thinker
With a creative background in theatre design, having studied the arts, Fiona
integrates creativity into her business events and interactive training sessions
with the sole purpose of creating both a valuable and memorable experience.
With over 15 years of experience in the sales, events, marketing, advertising
and PR world under her belt, Fiona now shares her knowledge through skills
training workshops, masterclasses and consultancy, specialising in the
subjects of business networking and creativity in business, with a focus on
communication, idea generation and storytelling.
Down to earth and brilliantly connected, Fiona has become the go to person
for East Midlands based businesses who want to attract their perfect
customer and stand out from the crowd through creative thinking.

“Connecting people together has been my life’s work, being a natural ‘networker’ and ‘people person’. Success for me comes in the form of empowering people to go off and do amazing things with their time and is my main drive and ‘why’ I do what I do. I’m a good listener, can work a room and get straight to the point- no fluffy stuff. Encouraging a different way of creative thinking gets me excited and If my sharing of experience and knowledge can result in inspiring positive changes, then I have achieved what I have set out to achieve and I can sleep at night happy and satisfied.”

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